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Tattoo Artist : Charles Renny
Tattoo Artist CHARLE RENNY was let go because of his poor ATTITUDE. For a tattoo artist that been tattooing for 20 + years his people skills with customer was not the best because he gets irritated over the simplest things.
He just been burn out on tattooing for a while now, he didn't really care about the craft, he had the Opportunity to learn how to better his trade here at American Dragon number of times because he worked next to great artist that was in a way better then him in a lot of ways but he never wanted to get better he just wanted to stay where he was at in this business because he was just tattooing for the money, he lost the passion for tattooing along time ago, he said that number of time that if he can do anything else to make money he would quit tattooing in a secord.
So his one final baby fit about he can't work these long hours after a week of closing early we here at AMERICAN DRAGON told him to pack his stuff & go.
We hated to see him go but he is his own worst enemy, once he realize that he could do a lot better in life..
Heres some bad Reviews from our clients
We gave Charlie a lot of opportunitys to be a better people person with the clients, he just was stuck in his old school ways, a lot of our tattoo friends said he would of been let go way before this, so I guess we did him a favor by keeping him as long as we did..
Anyway we here at AMERICAN DRAGON TATTOO hope him nothing but the best..
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